Monday, 9 June 2014

Computer Careers and Salaries

Salaries earned by computer professionals have always managed to divert the attention of youngsters to this field. Let us know the computer careers in demand, along with the salaries, in this article.
The list of careers in computers is quite long, as there are many kinds of jobs are available in this profession. Becoming a network administrator, programmer, software tester, database administrator, hardware engineer, computer graphics designer, careers in the military, in criminal justice are included in the computer careers. Let us discuss these computer careers, and salaries drawn by these professionals.

Network Administrators

Proper computer networking is very essential in this world of advanced technology, to connect small or large organizations and share the resources. Whether these organizations are included in the Information Technology (I.T.) sector or not, does not matter in this regard. Career opportunities as a network administrator can provide you experience in areas like safeguarding people trying to infiltrate into the network, providing resources to connected computers in a network, preventing access to banned resources through computers, providing technical support, network security and taking care of the computer systems. These aspects of the job make it very lucrative and highly paid. The annual median computer networking salary is USD 55,000 and one can possibly earn much more than that, with some quality experience.


Computer programmers work for software companies in the field of software development. Knowing programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, .(dot)Net, and expertise in web applications, which are the fastest growing concepts, is a must for people interested in computer programming careers. You can enter this field with a bachelor's or master's degree in I.T. The annual median salary in programming is around USD 65,000.

Software Testers

Software testers do the task of studying and analyzing the software developed by software developers, and detect flaws and errors in their functioning. The scope for this job of software testing is quite wide - it also has applications in preparation of software for games. Talented software testers earn a decent salary package of USD 60,000 or more. You can firmly establish yourself in this field by doing a masters program from a reputed university.

Database Administrators

The database administrators, who are also known as computer scientists, are usually engaged in tasks such as hardware creation, preparing robots, designing networks for data communication, maintaining the data communication networks, maintaining websites and storing the organized data. A suitable degree from a good institute, will help you bag a salary package between USD 50,000-USD 100,000.

Cyber Law

The field of cyber law is growing at a great pace and is creating many job opportunities for deserving candidates. In this course, you will be studying the basics of technology, digital contract laws, e-governance, the Information Technology Act, cyber laws issues, world scene in the field of cyber law and the issues of intellectual property in cyber law. There are many computer professionals earning USD 50,000-USD 80,000 in this field.

Graphics Designing

Graphic designing is one of the hottest computer careers, as graphic designers do a variety of jobs like website design, creating video games, logo designs for different companies, products and websites, and creating ads using software like photo shop. The multi-media designers work in the areas like animation, televisions by giving technical advice on many topics. The graphic designers are known to earn a median salary of USD 40,000, while there are many earning much more than this amount.

In the Military

People working in the computers department in the military require professionals to work in an office and handle the job responsibilities which are more or less same as that of the network administrators. Their duties will be troubleshooting the problems occurring in the networks, maintaining the networks, protecting the network from viruses, designing the software programs for the use of the military, etc. Since this is a government job, you will get all those benefits, incentives and perks which are enjoyed by other government employees. The salaries for government jobs are fixed by the government. You will have to work hard on your educational qualifications, experience and special skills to get these jobs.

Criminal Justice

Computer forensic investigators who are mostly computer engineering graduates, are known to work in the field of computers in criminal justice. You can get jobs in the law enforcement agencies and can earn a salary of around USD 100,000. This is one of the highest paying jobs in the computer field.

The information on computer careers and salaries in this article will help you to choose a suitable one as per your interests and inclinations. To succeed in these careers, keeping yourself constantly updated with the latest technologies and practicing them to gain perfection is of utmost importance.
Thank to Charlie S.

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