Tuesday, 27 May 2014

How to Prevent Computer Virus Attack

How to Prevent Computer Virus Attack - computer is an important tool for us as search for information on the Internet, but over time our computer virus attack causing bad impact.

Virus is a malicious program that created intentionally by one who intends to take, view, modify, and even destroy data that could harm users in the attack. Usually the virus even appear on the OS (Operating System) Windows, because Windows has a security cavity width. This further adds to the interest a few people to make a virus that is used to undermine the windows through the lack of security.

How to prevent and avoid your computer from virus attacks:

1. Installing anti-virus and update it periodically, over the months because the virus will be growing and diverse.
2. Computer scanning routine every day to minimize the entry of virus on your computer 
3. If the computer you're connected to the internet, please turn on the firewall for your computer. The firewall itself is useful to counteract all the malicious files that can be entered on your computer especially via the internet.
4. Do not carelessly open suspicious files because the files may carry virus that will attack your computer. To minimize and avoid doing scanning on the file.
5. Always scanning new files downloaded from the internet.
6. Turn off Automatic Autorun CD
How to open Regedit, select HKEY_CURRENT _USER --Software --Microsoft --Windows--CurrentVersion --Policies --Explorer.
Find the item named NoDriveTypeAutoRun. Right-click, select Modify, and then change the value / values ​​that exist into b5, and then press OK.

If there is no item NoDrive TypeAutoRun, right-click on an empty area on the Explorer key and select New, and select DWORD value. After the DWORD key appears, change its name to the NoDriveTypeAutoRun. After that, double-click the new DWORD earlier, and fill b5 in Hexadecimal option, then press OK. 

That's how to protect your computer from virus attacks, hopefully this article useful.
Read also Tips and Tricks to increase your computer speed.

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